
PCG in my Games

Hello everybody,
Long time with no posts or updates here. It seems like desert, sorry for that but I am sure people who follow me on twitter knows I was busy with my Master’s Thesis in Procedural Content Generation (PCG). I have always used PCG in my games as an excuse for being lazy and not designing levels (as I am not amazing level designer). In this post I will wrap up quickly some of the PCGs I used in my games. In the next post will talk about PCG in my Master’s Thesis.

As most of people noticed lots of my arcade games used PCG especially top down shooters (Clean’Em Up and Alone in the Park). All these games don’t have levels designed in advance, but instead they have enemy numbers and types to be generated. The system afterwards choose the most suitable location (away from the player position) and insert them. Pace Maker was a little different where the system generates the types and numbers based on the level of difficulty so as difficulty increase the number of enemies and variety of types increased.


Alone in the Park OST

Hey All,

Sorry for not posting for long time but I am making a huge post that I will publish it as soon as I finish it 🙂
In the mean time my friend Mikeal Bauer have released Alone in the Park OST for Pay what you want 🙂 It’s amazing 8-Bit 10 amazing tracks so Go and show him some love and support his music (link) 🙂

Hope you love it and that’s everything for now and I am sure there will be more news soon 🙂

Bye Bye


Alone in the Park on Portals and ArmorGames

Hey All,
Alone in the Park is now on ArmorGames and on MochiGames and on Kongregate and GameJolt 🙂 and it got featured on MochiGames and GameJolt on the release which was cool 🙂 I know the game didn’t do well on ArmorGames but it is still a nice milestone for me to have a game on ArmorGames 🙂

That’s everything for now, I know its not much but I wanted to tell you all about that 🙂

P.S: If you following me on twitter (@amidos2006) you probably knew all that before the post 😀

Bye Bye


Take Long and Longer in Sponsoring but its OUT

Hey All,
From the title of the post I am sure some have guessed what I am gonna say. Yup what you thought is true Alone in the Park is out now 😀 YaaaaaaY 😀

Really this game took too long to be finished and too long to be sponsored and published 😀 I was gonna try to sell it or release for free in the end but Thanks to Tom Fulp I talked to him and he is really a nice guy he offered for me sponsoring rather than release for free 🙂 really his a very nice guy 🙂

Why we talk a lot now let’s go kill some evil mushrooms in Alone in the Park.


Fast News and A Request :)

Hey All,
As usual sorry for not posting for a while but I have been busy playing a friend of mine (@theBanov) newest game game (Phantasmaburbia) and its so amazing, you should check it 🙂 Also I had some college work to do so everything is slowed down 🙁 Sorry 🙁

You could be more updated of what I am doing by following me on Twitter (@amidos2006) as I tweet a lot more than here 🙂

First thing I am now working on my 2nd Commercial game which is an expansion to Balls game and the game is called All my Balls 🙂 and I started a Devlog on Tigsource Forums where you can follow my updates on the project there 🙂 (Go track the project).


Alone in the Park is looking for sponsorship

Hey All,
Sorry for not posting here the past few days but I was very busy the past few days. If any of you was following me on Twitter(@amidos2006) I am sure that news is old for him.

Alone in the Park (the collaboration game between me and Vartagh) is finished and it’s now on FGL for bidding and also we sent direct emails to the sponsors in order to sponsor our game.

I wish this game is sponsored by Newgrounds or ArmorGames or Kongregate or AdultSwimGames as I love these sites a lot and want my game to be for them 🙂



Hi All,
I didn’t write here long time and I only wrote when it is a new game announcement 🙂 but there was lots of things happening before that silence and I didn’t have time to tell you about its results or what happened (because I am a bit busy and lazy :S) so I decided today to write about all missing things here.

First thing is about my collaboration game “Alone in the Park” that has been in-development since ever (even before starting on Clean’Em Up) but its now 99% finished just small polishing stuff and will be ready for beta testing and after 2 weeks in testing in that time we will seek for sponsorship for the game (Hope to get a cool deal as the game is nice and we put a lot of work in it) and then the release 🙂 Since we didn’t say a lot of details about the game so I made a trailer (it is intended to be funny and don’t show anything about the story) Hope you like it 🙂


Quick Review from the death

Hey All,
Long time since the last update about 2 or 3 weeks I think :S I am sorry about that but I was so busy organizing the first Arabic GameJam held in Egypt where the main host of the event is GameTako (Arabic online game portal where it host arabic games) so I am sorry for that.

I am sure you are asking did I make a game in the jam? since I was handling some organization stuff so I had only 1 day and half to create the game so I cooperated with Ahmed Saker (a fellow indie developer here in Egypt) and Ahmed Mounir (an amazing artist and he is behind all the game art) to try to finish the game but he couldn’t do that as we were using Unity3D and I am somehow not familiar with it so I was not speedy in working so we only finished a prototype of the engine and submit it.


Kabba (Arabic Game) And Game Updates

Hey All,
First Thing I am announcing an Arabic Game called Kabba(Syrian Food) for GameTako website where all its revenue will go as donations for Syria and I hope it gets lots of money :). Kabba game is Ta’mya game (same game engine) but different graphics and thanks for Ali GameTako Graphics Designer for amazing graphics created.

Second thing Jesper Post a cool guy played The Power and made a large map for the game connecting all rooms with each other 🙂 nice work 🙂 from him but it is a spoiler by the way so if you didn’t play the game yet don’t look at it unless you got stuck and wanna know where to go next 🙂


100th Post (Huge Post)

Hey All
This gonna be the largest post of all time, which will make you remember old days when I was writing about lots of stuffs and concepts and lots of amazing things.

This post is so long so if you are busy now you can check it later as it will took alot of time to check everything in it and this post will be starting for series of posts which gonna talk about my career and my coming games and my thoughts.

Let’s Start the post with some music and tracks from games that you must buy them without hesitation, these tracks are so beautiful that you must at least check them