by Ahmed Khalifa, Dan Gopstein, and Julian Togelius
Blog post about the design for ELIMINATION game and its level generator.

by Ahmed Khalifa
Blog post listing all the different types of tutorials in videogames. The post contains the background section from “Press Space To Fire”: Automatic Video Game Tutorial Generation paper.

by Ahmed Khalifa
Blog post listing all different game engines out there for people who want to start game development.

by Ahmed Khalifa
Blog Post listing all different time systems that are used in roguelike games.

by Ahmed Khalifa and Gabriella Barros
Article published in seeds magazine about techniques used in Super-W-Hack!

by Ahmed Khalifa
Article published in seeds magazine about ProcEngine Framework.

by Ahmed Khalifa and Gabriella Barros
Presentation about the future of Super-W-Hack! if it gets selected for Game Center Incubator Program.

by Ahmed Khalifa
Blog post about VGDL and GVG-AI.

by Ahmed Khalifa and Magda Fayek
The third chapter of my Master’s Thesis. This chapter talks about puzzle generation literature review.

by Ahmed Khalifa
Blog Post about all PCG techniques used through out my games.

by Ahmed Khalifa
Talking about Marketing and Luck through my whole game development career.

by Ahmed Khalifa
My first talk about game design. A talk about the necessity to be different to be seen.