
GECCO16: General Video Game Level Generation

Hello everyone,
This is my talk in GECCO16 for our paper “General Video Game Level Generation“.

GVG-LG Framework GECCO.001

Hello everyone, I am Ahmed Khalifa a PhD student at NYU Tandon’s school of engineering and today I am gonna present my paper General Video Game Level Generation

GVG-LG Framework GECCO.002

We want to design a framework that allows people to develop general level generator for any game described in video game description language.

GVG-LG Framework GECCO.003

So what is level generation? It using computer algorithm to design levels for games. People in industry have been using it since very long time. At the beginning the reason due to technical difficulties but now to provide more content to user and it enables a new type of games. The problem with level generation is all the well known generators are designed for a specific game. So it depends on domain knowledge to make sure levels are as perfect as possible. Doing that for every new game seems a little exhaustive so we wanted to have on single algorithm that can be used on multiple games. In order to do that we need a way to describe the game for the generators.


IJCAI16 Talk: Modifying MCTS for Humanlike Video Game Playing

Hello everyone,
Ages since last post 😀 on Thursday July 14th I gave a talk about my paper “Modifying MCTS for Humanlike Video Game Playing” with Aaron Isaksen, Andy Nealen, and Julian Togelius at IJCAI16. Thanks to Aaron, he captured a video of my talk. Here is it:

Also we did a poster for the conference which looked amazing. Here is the poster:

Humanlike MCTS Poster.001

If the video is not clear, I am posting the slides here with my comments:

Humanlike MCTS New.001

Hello everyone, I am Ahmed Khalifa, PhD student at NYU Tandon’s School of Engineering. Today I am gonna talk about my paper “Modifying MCTS for Humanlike Video Game Playing”.


100th Post (Huge Post)

Hey All
This gonna be the largest post of all time, which will make you remember old days when I was writing about lots of stuffs and concepts and lots of amazing things.

This post is so long so if you are busy now you can check it later as it will took alot of time to check everything in it and this post will be starting for series of posts which gonna talk about my career and my coming games and my thoughts.

Let’s Start the post with some music and tracks from games that you must buy them without hesitation, these tracks are so beautiful that you must at least check them