
IJCAI16 Talk: Modifying MCTS for Humanlike Video Game Playing

Hello everyone,
Ages since last post 😀 on Thursday July 14th I gave a talk about my paper “Modifying MCTS for Humanlike Video Game Playing” with Aaron Isaksen, Andy Nealen, and Julian Togelius at IJCAI16. Thanks to Aaron, he captured a video of my talk. Here is it:

Also we did a poster for the conference which looked amazing. Here is the poster:

Humanlike MCTS Poster.001

If the video is not clear, I am posting the slides here with my comments:

Humanlike MCTS New.001

Hello everyone, I am Ahmed Khalifa, PhD student at NYU Tandon’s School of Engineering. Today I am gonna talk about my paper “Modifying MCTS for Humanlike Video Game Playing”.


New Competition And Final Posters

Hey All,

First of all there is a new competition started couple of days ago at 11 but I knew about it right now its GameCOG 3rd compo.

The deadline for the compo is 29/8 there is still good time for anyone to participate in it. The theme of the competition is “Explosion”, from my view its a nice theme lots of ideas can came up for it, You must upload the game on GameCOG website then refer to its link in the forums and by that way you are participated.

May be the prizes are good may make some people participate:


New Game Release: CrytorYan and Some Poster News

Hey All,

I have made a new Game for QOG Madness 2Hour Compo but I think I can’t participate because the game took developement time more than that (6 hours).

These 6 hours are divided like that the game engine and game took around 3 hours and 43 minutes, The music and sounds took around 1 hour which was so waste of time and The rest was for menus and interfaces.

The game as you can see is called CrytorYan which is a professor zack discovered material. The gameplay is so simple as it is a simple shooter with a small twist.


Project Poster First Look and Some News

Hi All,

As I said before that I was working on a poster for my cousin graduation project. I don’t know If I said that or not but we agreed to make two posters for Tocco Project as It is divided into two parts (I don’t know If I said that Before but anyway Tocco project is two parts one is touch surface by fingures and the second is pen that can draw on any projected screen from a Projector)

I have worked for 2 days for now in making it and getting an idea. Yesterday I managed to make the first look on the poster