Hey All,
First this is a very very very very long time since I post, but I was really busy and still busy but now less busy than before.
The reason I was away was due to army first I was away for 50 days in my training camp then when I returned I go everyday from 5:00 am and return home at 6:00 pm working for army so I reach home tired and go for sleep directly or see a movie and sleep.
No big deals and what make it worse for me that I am have collegue post graduate studies and I was having exams and I didnt study well because of the army.
Category Archives: Experimental Games
Longest Ever Post I think For the New Year (2011)
Cached News :)
Hey all,
Long Long Long Time, I know that but I was too busy working on Hello World! as besides its MMORPG game I want to make its my graduation project in college and my delivery date was last Monday 26/7/2010 and I want to deliver a stable bug free version but this version was containing minimal features but stable at same time.
The main supported features in this version was moving, wearing equipments, pick items from ground, throwing items, melee attacking, ranged attacking, leveling up and assigning attribute points.
Sorry it has been long time
Hey all,
Sorry for not posting from long time :S But I am too busy these days as at the morning I had a 2 weeks military training :S which is so bad and hard on me.
And at night I had to work on my Graduation Project which is changed to fit with my interests (this change happens by luck :D)
Now my GP (Graduation Project) will be an RPG Online Arena game 🙂 it will be looks like DOTA but in my friends prespective 🙂
I am sorry for not updating so often so I have some old and new news 😀
The first piece is the Experimental Gameplay month theme is Rejection 🙂 you can find all the info on that link.
A News Cocktail :D
Hi All,
There aren’t lots of news by the time so I will tell you what I have for now 🙂
First is that the day I said that the IGF finals will appear I mistaken in my writting I meant that this day is the day to view all the entries for the IGF.
As you see from this link 🙂 Bactoriam is their so which me luck (although I know It won’t be qualified for finals as there are lots of other games so amazing 🙂 here is a link to see all others)
Also there are some bad news I have heared. The famous hosting site for all GameMaker People (WillHostForFood) is now down due to some financial issues so if you want it back just donate.
Return to Colleague :)
Hi All,
I just wanna say that tommorow will be the first day in the last year in my colleague (Computer Department Faculty of Engineering Cairo University) so my updates here on the blog and new games and working on them will slow down may be I release a game during colleague days or may be not.
Hope that I find good idea for Graduation Project 🙂 till now I still dont have an idea nor a supervisor for the project.
Last thing is the theme of the Experimental Gameplay site this month which is Numbers. I won’t enter I think as I will too busy next month due to colleague.
New Game Release: Mailure
Hi All,Long enough since I posted here thats because I didnt have anything to write about also I didnt want to spoil my new Game (Mailure).
I think that is super great news I released a new game with no geometrical graphics it is totally pixel art made by me 🙂
You play with naughty boy at school who always fails at exams. So the principal of his school decided to send a mail to his mother, but sending one mail is not enough because the boy may stole it from the postman.
So the principal decides to send lots of mails till the boy’s mother call the principal.
News-(aki) :D
Hi All,
Long time since last post, I didnt work on Ninjaki this week too, But I have good news for some competitions.
First Thing: My Game Bactoriam is now featured on KwikLook Blog.
Second Thing: QOG is making Birthday Compotition for making a game in 3 hours which must contain either one of these stuffs (Candles – Gifts – Sugar – Clowns – Cone Shape Hats). All the entrants will recieve a small review on his website and the winner will get large review. Dead Line is 16th September. For more info here is the link.
Bactoriam Full Version Released
Hi All,
Sorry for not updating the blog for long time, But I was busy in training and other stuff so I didnt work on anything till yesterday.
I finished yesterday the full version and waited to launch it today. As I said before I am going to participate with it in 3 Compo
I have uploaded the game on GameJolt and also on 2BeeGames and on YoYoGames for playing and GameCOG have a link on GameJolt page also Experimental is the same too.
So In full version:
– I modified the music (removed the blank time in the music before it starts)
– Highscore tables for all gameplay modes and difficulties
– Fixing some serious bugs I didnt notice (Thanks to Mozarty for reporting the Bug to me and my brother SaSa for finding when the bug happens)
Bunch of News
Hey All,
I return today from Alexandria (a city in Egypt) during my stay there I started my new game which I will participate with it in GameCog contest Hope to finish it soon for the competition :).
I will give you a hint about it, its a shooter game in a new way. First although lots may knew about that so far but I totally forgot to say the new version of GameMaker 8 beta is out if you like to test it. The features are the same but some bugs were fixed here is a list of the fixed bugs(link) 🙂
Project Poster First Look and Some News
Hi All,
As I said before that I was working on a poster for my cousin graduation project. I don’t know If I said that or not but we agreed to make two posters for Tocco Project as It is divided into two parts (I don’t know If I said that Before but anyway Tocco project is two parts one is touch surface by fingures and the second is pen that can draw on any projected screen from a Projector)
I have worked for 2 days for now in making it and getting an idea. Yesterday I managed to make the first look on the poster