Hey All,
First this is a very very very very long time since I post, but I was really busy and still busy but now less busy than before.
The reason I was away was due to army first I was away for 50 days in my training camp then when I returned I go everyday from 5:00 am and return home at 6:00 pm working for army so I reach home tired and go for sleep directly or see a movie and sleep.
No big deals and what make it worse for me that I am have collegue post graduate studies and I was having exams and I didnt study well because of the army.
Category Archives: GameMakerGames
Longest Ever Post I think For the New Year (2011)
Huge Chunk of News
Hi All,
I am totally sorry for long not updating the Blog but I was so busy and I had lots of work and exams till now I am too busy but I managed to sneak with some little time to write a large and nice blog 🙂
First news if anyone noticed that PaceMaker FP changed from InDev to Complete Games and now waiting for Sponsorshipping.
Since I have evolved in the community of FGL to Level2 so they gave me 5 First Impression to use I was pretty confident from my game from developper feedback (take a look) here are some of the feedback:
Hurrah for Bactoriam and Mailure :)
Hey all,
Today I found a very nice news about both games Bactoriam and Mailure.
They are featured in video of 100 GameMaker Games in 10 min for 2009 games.
Here is the video 🙂
Also There are lots of cool videos for the game of the year and one of the best shows I love to see is the ByteJacker show and yesterday show was awesome it contain top 10 indiegames in 2009 see that video its nice 🙂
Another amazing news VVVVVV game will be released on 10 Jan this year with price of 15$ 🙂 It deserve it and you must go and pick it 🙂 there will be a demo to try 🙂
New Competitions :)
Hi all,
Sorry for not posting anything for awhile but I was too busy + I didnt work on anything so there were no new news to be posted 🙂
But I found a couple of days some news about new games competitions and animation competitions
First Game Maker Games Website launch his second mini competition by now. Its theme is Pacifism. The compo started today and will last till 13th september. There is no prizes just fame and review of the Game on the website. So if anyone intersted for joining here is the link.
News and New Competition
Hey All,
Sorry for being away for some days but I am a bit busy these days as I have at morning training at computer company and I returned home at 6:30 and sometimes I go out and dont opent the internet to update my blog. Sorry for that.
Some Good News:
KwikLook featured my game CrytorYan as I asked him to try it and if he likes it post about it in his website and its the first time that someone likes a game and post it on his website. Here is the link.
The second news is about a competition made by the GameMakerGames Website its theme is “Sound design in gameplay” it something wired so if you like to join here is the link for more information.