
Longer than expected :)

Hey all,
Sorry for not updating lately but I was having a very large exam MI exam (Machine Intellegence) I dont think I solved good at all in the exam πŸ™‚ it was so hard for a human being to solve and remember around 500 pages in only 7 days πŸ˜€

Forget about this painfull experince I passed through it πŸ™‚ Now lets take alook about everything indie πŸ™‚

About my Game Projects Hello World! and Pace Maker FP no new as I was studing hard the last week πŸ™‚ but about two old games Ninjaki and Night Guard I moved them to an Abandon games section πŸ™‚ and may I will release their source code if anyone interested but I dont think it is nice as I am always work unarranged and with no plans πŸ™‚


Thats was long long time

Hi All Followers,
I know that it was long time since my last appear here on the blog but I was too busy and still too busy but I decided to make a very quick post for all my followers and friends who still check my blog.

I was saying that I am going to participate in YoYoGames 5th Competition with my game NightGuard I started working on it till I make a very descent engine but afterwards I stopped alittle due to my military training but when I finish the training, me and graduation project team where having a presentation that must be finished in two weeks maximum so we were working so hard these days and I didnt study anything during these days till we made a very descent presentation where lots of people love and we get good marks.


Sorry it has been long time

Hey all,
Sorry for not posting from long time :S But I am too busy these days as at the morning I had a 2 weeks military training :S which is so bad and hard on me.
And at night I had to work on my Graduation Project which is changed to fit with my interests (this change happens by luck :D)

Now my GP (Graduation Project) will be an RPG Online Arena game πŸ™‚ it will be looks like DOTA but in my friends prespective πŸ™‚

I am sorry for not updating so often so I have some old and new news πŸ˜€

The first piece is the Experimental Gameplay month theme is Rejection πŸ™‚ you can find all the info on that link.


:S Bad News :S

Hey All,
First I am totally sorry that I didnt post anything for long time but I started exams on past sunday and I had an exam yesterday and the days before I had to study hard πŸ™‚

Till now I didnt start AS3 with FlashPunk hopefully I can start it soon also the progress in Night Guard has been stopped since I started studying for the exam (means two weeks ago :S) which is along time πŸ˜€

For the assemblee compo πŸ™‚ it has come to an end and there are 73 entries that you can view them all here πŸ™‚ there are some desecent games there πŸ™‚ its so nice πŸ™‚ and also the voting for best games is open and here is the link for the voting πŸ™‚


YoYoGames Compos returns again

Hey All,

A very delightful news I just saw YoYoGames have started new Compo for the new year.
The theme of the compo is to make a game for handheld device using GM7 or GM8
Compo Rules (Copied from YoYoGlog)

  1. Your Game must be less than 10MB (uncompressed)EXE only…NO ZIP files.
  2. Maximum Screen Size 480X272
  3. No DLLs or other extension packages can be used.
  4. No Installation packages.
  5. No use of the registry.
  6. Game Controls must use cursor keys and space-bar only, escape to quit
  7. Game Maker versions 7 or 8 only
  8. All games must be tagged β€œCompetition” and β€œ05β€³
  9. Contest finishes March 30th 2010 at Midnight GMT

More info go to this link

I will particpate in the compo with a new game (the game idea was developed for RoboSquid Contest but I didn’t start on it at all as I was too busy)

Yesterday I started making a platform engine so as to use it in my future games where this game will be one of them and AlexitrΓ³n (The designer of lots of amazing games such as The Power) told me that he will help me in level designing as I am horrible at it. (I am so happy when I knew that Alex will help me πŸ™‚ )


Game Release: The Egg & The Stone (In my view Bad news)

Hi all,
You maynot understand why bad news ?? Thats easy because it is not really a game its learning game to learn what is called resolution principle a logical principal to solve logical problems.The game team was large 20 persons divided to lots of things. Although we were large but we dont work alot on this game as we were too busy in lots of other projects.

The game is finally done (without sounds or music) I was assigned me and two others to make the game graphics using XNA studio.

I draw the whole charcter set and make the design of the GUI code and classes in C# and make the integrate everything of the GUI and help in final integration in the game.