
Ta’mya English Version now online

Hey All,
Two posts in a day with two releases is not me πŸ˜€ but that’s true Ta’mya (English version) is now online on Kongregate and Newgrounds.

Go and check it if you didn’t check the arabic Version previous time πŸ™‚ here are the links (Kongreate) (Newgrounds)

That’s everything for now πŸ™‚

Bye Bye πŸ™‚


Clean’Em Up News

Hey All,
If you are following me on twitter(@amidos2006) you should know by now that Clean’Em Up passed Round 2 in Imagine Cup 2012 and we have submitted it to Round 3 and also IndieCade 2012.

This is some of Judges feedback on Round 2
First Judge “This is a very polished game. It feels like something that you might download and play from live arcade. A nice arcade shooter with upgradable.
Second Judge “This is a fun game and I enjoyed playing it.

There is some drawbacks from judges but it just something with Imagine Cup Theme.


Ta’mya Game Released on GameTako

Hey All, A new game release today but it is an arabic game and will get and english one soon and may be android and iPhone version πŸ™‚ too The called Ta’mya which is an Egyptian world for a famous Egyptian food you know its name by “FalaFel”.

Β Its now released on GameTako (an arabic flash game portal) so if you wanna try it here is the (link) or you could wait for the English version πŸ™‚

Bye for now πŸ™‚