
Colors & Numbers is Out

Hey All,


Colors & Numbers was just a weird concept made for the Charity Game Jam 🙂 the game is done in less than 48 hours don’t get so excited about the game because its pretty weird game 🙂

You can try the game on one of the following websites

That’s everything for now 🙂 till the next time 🙂

Bye Bye


Top Down Super Crate Box my Charity GameJam Entry

Hi All,
As usual long time since last post but I have been busy working on lots of stuffs 🙂 you can get faster updates about my project by following me (@Amidos2006) or faster updates about All my Balls by tracking the TIGSource thread.

Two days ago @McFunkypants started a miniLD for charity (which is first Charity LudumDare) called Charity GameJam (more details).

So I participated in it and finished a NES version of Super Crate Box but in Top Down shooter way inspired by Dromad (Connor Ullmann) so go try it now on Charity GameJam Website 🙂