Hey All,
Wow there is two large contest running by time. The first one is by 2BeeGames and the second I talked about it before which is by GameJolt.
About 2BeeGames is a grand one like the one before which I submited MindHunter to it. The prizes are 10,000$ first prize and publishing deal and Community favorite will be 5,000$. I think I will participate with the unnamed game 馃檪 which is made for GameCOG in it hoping to win as usual but no hope 馃檪 But it is worth a try 馃檪 the compo ends at 15 september 馃檪 so if you are interested visit this link.
About the GameJolt it launched at same time 1 August and last for one month only. It offer the same prizes as the previous one the first three winner will be featured and enter the beta version of Ad-revenue share system + first winner will get a game for free from steam website 馃檪
The theme is called Axiom where there is ten different axioms you must choose one or more to make a game around.
Here are the ten axioms:
– A picture is worth a thousand words
– Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
– Even a broken clock is right twice a day
– Laughter is the best medicine
– No good deed goes unpunished
– Quitters never win; winners never quit
– Actions speak louder than words
– Where there’s smoke, there’s fire
– In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
– A burnt child dreads the fire
for more information here is the link
thats all the news for now 馃檪 Wish to me goodluck 馃檪
So many contests.
Laughter is definitely the best medicine…wonderful and true axiom.
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enta yabni mesh 3andak tadreeb
hat7’alas dah kolo emta
So the 2Bee contest theme is Judgement Day or is that some sort of slang or whatever ?
Judgement Day is a lame theme in my opinion .
Anyways , are you registered at this 2Bee thing Amidos ? Is this place just another Game Jolt that takes your games and exibit them or do they just take contest entries ? I was looking around the site and couldn’t figure it out .
About the Axioms contest I hink I have an idea and may enter after all , lets see how it turns out .
@Pradip: you may be right but also other axioms are good 馃檪
@Mozarty: As I said the GameCOG compo entry will be same for 2BeeGames compo
@Alexitron:2BeeGames website is lot like GameJolt a community where u can upload games on 馃檪 About its compo there is no theme make whatever game and submit there is no theme at all if you have a good game and want to participate with it you can submit it 馃檪
About the Axioms Contest Wow finally we will see another master piece game from you. I am burning to see it 馃檪
Thanks for the info Amidos . About the Axioms entry , the idea I have is for a word game, a very casual thing actually . Lets see how that turns out .
Waiting to see it 馃檪 and I am sure it will turns out great as usual 馃檪
I like the mind boggling and the edutainment games more than the shooting and action ones…one is like junk food the other like healthy one.
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Yes you are right but lots of healthy food is pooring sometimes person dlike to eat some junk to change 馃檪 and also lots of junk is not good 馃檪 too